Thursday 7 September 2017

BUSY BUSY BUSY!! We're really getting the hang of this.

We're starting to work independently...

We're focussing for longer periods of time!

We're so proud of our achievements!!!!

We eventually got some sunshine so we could begin to explore our garden.

We think the bubble zone is the best part!

But playing with the rocks and making dinosaur parks is also pretty cool.

Tuesday 5 September 2017

Our first day in Year 1!

We've had a great first day in Year 1 today and we've been up to all sorts. We came in with a huge smile on our faces and hung our coats up all by ourselves. We went to our first worship and even got to sit on the tables for the big boys and girls in at dinner time!

Our new teachers were so proud of how grown up and sensible we have been all day and can't wait to see what tomorrow will bring. Here is a sneak peak of our day. Leave us a comment and let us know what you think - we'd love to share it with the class.

Love from Year 1 

We are learning our 5 times tables!

Here is a link to our song!